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Prove You All Wrong(證明你們全錯了)
Prove You All Wrong(證明你們全錯了)

Prove You All Wrong(證明你們全錯了)

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Prove You All Wrong(證明你們全錯了)

Prove You All Wrong(證明你們全錯了)


發布時間 2006-09-18



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Proved All You Wrong

從小我媽就跟我說 將來不一定賺大錢
到了小學我的老師對我說 你這樣一定不行
做人沒有沒有虛榮沒有上進心 上了國中老師更加是看我不起 她對全班說如果我將來會有出息
她一定第一個死給全班看個過癮 你是個阿斗是個阿斗是個阿斗扶不起
Don’t know what’s the reality that presented in the world
Everybody seemed more cold and distant as the older they grow
What about compassion, cutercy to look inside of your heart
Take away luxury materials see this life aint so bad
Dope and the pope; The young and the old
This is our salvation away from What we’ve been told
The highs and the low, The life as we know
Think for a second everybody’s a hero

I’ve proved all you suckers wrong about me HEY
I’ve proved all you fuckers wrong about me YA
I’ve proved all you suckers wrong about me HEY
What would a motherfucker know about me , HUH

Time it have proven we are all here to die, Life
Is a passing to unleash the pain that is on the inside
Too be ordinary or exrodinary it’s all that you choose
Forget about the consequence cause In the end we all lose
Dope and the pope; The young and the old
This is our salvation away from What we’ve been told
The highs and the low, The life as we know
Think for a second everybody’s a hero
全台灣2千3百萬的人都想做個政客 每天出來唬爛一下好像什麼都剋
人人愛權人愛錢 卻人人怕廉 只要一當上政治人物他的夢想就不見
台灣是一個沒有英雄的地方 人人每天昏昏沉沉賭錢賭到光
這是為什麼我得回來當你們的英雄 你說我憑什麼 我說憑我敢這樣”共”

I’ve proved all you suckers wrong about me HEY
I’ve proved all you fuckers wrong about me YA
I’ve proved all you suckers wrong about me HEY
What would a motherfucker know about me , HUH

為什麼 …台灣沒有英雄 卻只有狗熊 只有不敢認錯的狗熊
為什麼 台灣弄不出個國 卻專搞職棒賭博 結果世棒總是被別人剁 HEY

I’ve proved all you suckers wrong about me HEY
I’ve proved all you fuckers wrong about me YA
I’ve proved all you suckers wrong about me HEY
What would a motherfucker know about me , HUH

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<P>我有意見~請接受我不專業的講評( 聽聽就算^^ )</P>