鄒族的神靈信仰至今依然擁有完整的體系及制度,每個神祇有其負責掌權的事務範圍,祂們存在於鄒族人生活中的每一個角落,必且給予族人生活規範:einu。千年來鄒族人在einu中與大地和諧共存著。但也是會有些不好思想的人,而當這些人們破壞了einu,就得承擔眾神們的怒火及大地的反噬了。 The Cou people’s animist belief system remains relatively complete and intact to this day. Each deity has its own sphere of authority, and they are present in every corner of the life of the Cou people and must confer to the people the code of conduct in life: einu. For thousands of years, the Cou have lived in harmony with the earth in the einu. But there are some …