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09. Ak'e Mameoi 土地守護神
09. Ak'e Mameoi 土地守護神

09. Ak'e Mameoi 土地守護神


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09. Ak'e Mameoi 土地守護神

09. Ak'e Mameoi 土地守護神

高蕾雅 Yinguyu Yatauyungana
高蕾雅 Yinguyu Yatauyungana

發布時間 2024-02-05



ak'e mameoi 土地守護神
Guardians of the Land

漢族有土地公公處理信眾生活中的大小事,而鄒族也有類似的神祗。只要有名稱的土地,就會有負責掌管那個地方的ak'e mameoi,祂們維持著土地萬物的供給平衡,當有人破壞了這個平衡,ak'e mameoi就會使那個人生病,或者讓土地崩塌。聽起來ak'e mameoi好像很兇狠,但祂們其實很溫柔,祂們保護著土地上所有的生靈,並且協助yoifo(巫師)完成族人的請託,是族人們日常生活很重要的依靠。
The Han Chinese people have a God of the Earth who deals with matters big and small in the lives of the believers. Likewise, the Cou people have similar gods and goddesses. As long as the land has a name, there will be a ak'e mameoi in charge of that place, and they maintain the balance of all things in the land. When someone disrupts this balance, the ak'e mameoi will make that person sick or cause the land to collapse. While they may seem fierce and brutal, they are actually gentle gods that protect all life on the land and help the yoifo (shamans) to fulfill the requests of the clan, and they are very important bedrock to the clan in their daily lives.
製作人Chief Coordinator:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
詞Lyrics:Yinguyu Yatauyungana (高蕾雅)
曲Song:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)

演唱Performed by:
yupasuingi 悠巴歌謠傳唱隊

'atai yatauyungana (高駿逸)
'avai yaisikana (石仕倫)
apu'u muknana (武易萱)
ku'atu noacachiana (莊宇)
mo'o voyuana (石聖安)
naa'u yoifoana (莊瑜姍)
sayungu vaiyayana (汪颯悠)
yangui akuyayana (陳羿妏)
yapasuongu niahosa (梁一哲)

錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:Paiian Tamapima(高治軍)、Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
配唱製作Vocal Producer:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
後製編輯Post-production Editing:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)、Paiian Tamapima(高治軍)、QinQinQin (邱群)
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer:陳威達 Chen Wei Da
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:樹人咪房Treemen Studio/劉詩偉Liu Shih Wei

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歌詞 動態歌詞

ak'e mameoi 土地守護神

mimza man'i ci hiyoa ta tonsoha ⼀年四季我們都好忙碌
to'uni aʉt'ʉ'ʉca na mazoezoyʉ 幫你們看顧⼟地
o'te poa yumeumu nala tomuti 不讓不好的東西進⼊鄒的領域
maezo tmalʉ no e'e to yoifo 還要傾聽 yoifo 的話
to'uni muu ho biebimi 幫你們找想要的
to'uni teoteai 'omo koa kuzo 幫你們解決事情
upena moc'o sonʉ na hia meesi 雖然我們的儀式很簡單
at'inghi lamia asngʉcʉc'o yontan'e 可是我們⼀直存在著

mimza man'i ci hiyoa ta tonsoha ⼀年四季我們都好忙碌
to'uni aʉt'ʉ'ʉca na mazoezoyʉ 幫你們看顧⼟地
o'te poa yumeumu nala tomuti 不讓不好的東西進⼊鄒的領域
maezo tmalʉ no e'e to yoifo 還要傾聽 yoifo 的話

to'uni muu ho biebimi 幫你們找想要的
to'uni teoteai 'omo koa kuzo 幫你們解決事情
upena moc'o sonʉ na hia meesi 雖然我們的儀式很簡單
at'inghi lamia asngʉcʉc'o yontan'e 可是我們⼀直存在著

upena honci mainenu 不管任何時候
'atatalʉa lamia asngʉcʉc'o yontan'e 要記得我們⼀直在這裡啊
upena honci mainenu 不管任何時候
'atatalʉa lamia asngʉcʉc'o yontan'e 要記得我們⼀直在這裡啊
upena honci mainenu 不管任何時候
'atatalʉa lamia asngʉcʉc'o yontan'e 要記得我們⼀直在這裡啊
upena honci mainenu 不管任何時候
'atatalʉa lamia asngʉcʉc'o yontan'e 要記得我們⼀直在這裡啊

upena 不論何時啊~
upena 不論何地啊~

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