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06. Hupa 獵場
06. Hupa 獵場

06. Hupa 獵場


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高蕾雅 Yinguyu Yatauyungana

  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2024-02-05



Hunting Grounds

曾有鄒族長輩說過:「鄒族人,爬一座山,絕對不會用“征服”這個字。」。鄒族人尊重獵場裡所有的一切,是以獵場的管理者自居,而不是擁有者。在獵場上,除了有ak'e mameoi守護土地外,也有hio no aemana,鄒族的氏族之神。hio no aemana負責照顧氏族裡的所有前往獵場狩獵的男人,保守他們在狩獵過程中的平安及收穫。獵人在狩獵時都會遵守祖先留下的山林規範,教導我們族人對待土地萬物生靈不能貪心、也不能因為收穫而驕傲,因為驕傲的獵人,會被氏族之神懲罰,將不再能從山林獲取所需要的。
A Cou elder once said, "The Cou will never say ‘conquer’ when climbing a mountain". The Cou people respect everything in the hunting grounds and act as the good stewards of the hunting grounds, not as owners. On the hunting grounds, in addition to the ak'e mameoi who guard the land, there is also the hio no aemana, the clan god of the Cou. Hio no aemana is responsible for looking after all the men of the clan who go hunting on the hunting grounds, keeping them safe and productive during their hunts. When hunting, the hunters follow the rules of the mountains left by their forefathers, which teach the tribesmen not to be greedy with the creatures of the land and not to be too arrogant about the catch, for the proud hunter will be punished by the hio no aemana and will no longer be able to get what he needs from the mountains.
製作人Chief Coordinator:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
詞Lyrics:Yinguyu Yatauyungana (高蕾雅)
曲Song:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)

演唱Performed by:
yupasuingi 悠巴歌謠傳唱隊

'atai yatauyungana (高駿逸)
'avai yaisikana (石仕倫)
apu'u muknana (武易萱)
ku'atu noacachiana (莊宇)
mo'o voyuana (石聖安)
naa'u yoifoana (莊瑜姍)
sayungu vaiyayana (汪颯悠)
yangui akuyayana (陳羿妏)
yapasuongu niahosa (梁一哲)

錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:Paiian Tamapima(高治軍)、Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
配唱製作Vocal Producer:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)
後製編輯Post-production Editing:Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)、Paiian Tamapima(高治軍)、QinQinQin (邱群)
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer:陳威達 Chen Wei Da
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:樹人咪房Treemen Studio/劉詩偉Liu Shih Wei

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歌詞 動態歌詞


hupa su na eni 這裡是你的獵場
o'a teko peela acʉhʉ tanua 不代表你擁有它的一切
o'a tes'a peela taachia 'e mafufuengu 沒有人能真正擁有大自然

zouc'o ho misun'a yunsou 你只是在能呼吸的時候
na tekon'a peela aululua 'e fuengu 負責守護這片山林
at'inghi honciko la makonvosu 但當你變得貪婪
honciko la bobitano 當你變得驕傲

'anate ta'upa no leeafou你將不再是獵人
'ana ta'ula no'upi na suu我也將不再守護你
'anate ta'upa no leeafou你將不再是獵人
'ana ta'ula no'upi na suu我也將不再守護你

cu pef'uhi nola noe'oci ta fuengu這片山林也將不再給予

hupa su na eni 這裡是你的獵場
o'a teko peela acʉhʉ tanua 不代表你擁有它的一切
o'a tes'a peela taachia 'e mafufuengu 沒有人能真正擁有大自然

hupa su na eni 這裡是你的獵場
o'a teko peela acʉhʉ tanua 不代表你擁有它的一切
o'a tes'a peela taachia 'e mafufuengu 沒有人能真正擁有大自然

'anate ta'upa no leeafou你將不再是獵人
'ana ta'ula no'upi na suu我也將不再守護你
'anate ta'upa no leeafou你將不再是獵人
'ana ta'ula no'upi na suu我也將不再守護你
cu pef'uhi nola noe'oci ta fuengu這片山林也將不再給予

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