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Fall In Love With What You Late
Fall In Love With What You Late

Fall In Love With What You Late

Rock(Ending Of The)Start

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Fall In Love With What You Late

Fall In Love With What You Late


發布時間 2020-04-28


[00:20.000]You become what you hate,or you hate what you become?
[00:30.000]You've found a way to survive that is fall in love with what you hate.
[00:40.000]You need some more space,then flee to a romantic place.
[00:45.000]Face your own life and fate.
[00:48.000]Give your Rock n Roll some new space then flee to a romantic place.
[00:56.000]You know it’s never too late.
[00:58.000]Give your broken heart some new space then flee to a romantic place.
[01:06.000]Face your own life and fate.
[01:09.000]Give your Rock n Roll some new space then flee to a romantic place.
[01:17.000]Face your own life and fate,you should fall in love with what you hate
[01:23.000]You retired from panic open space but you know they will let you pay.
[01:32.000]Your voice sounds like a fuzz face,this world is not a beautiful place.
[01:42.000]You need some more space,then flee to a romantic place.
[01:48.000]Face your own life and fate.
[01:50.000]Give your Rock n Roll some new space then flee to a romantic place
[01:58.000]You know it’s never too late.
[02:01.000]Give your broken heart some new space then flee to a romantic place
[02:09.000]Face your own life and fate.
[02:11.000]Give your Rock n Roll some new space then flee to a romantic place
[02:18.000]You know it’s never too late,you should fall in love with what you hate

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