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T.L 藍子庭 - 【TOO HOT】
T.L 藍子庭 - 【TOO HOT】

T.L 藍子庭 - 【TOO HOT】

Hip hop / Rap

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T.L 藍子庭 - 【TOO HOT】

T.L 藍子庭 - 【TOO HOT】

TL 藍子庭
TL 藍子庭

發布時間 2023-11-11


Swing away (就儘管嘗試吧)
I bet you can not feel it like (我賭你一定沒辦法)
The way I sway (像我一樣舞動)
我每天起床都跟自己 (I wake up every morning and)
Say olé (對自己表示讚嘆)
這感覺像是跟最辣的 (It feels like getting drunk with the hottest bae)
才不管 if they be like (I don’t care, 他們如果要嘰嘰喳喳)
Boy, you mad (對著我說, 孩子你瘋了)
The doctor says “how?”(醫生說「怎麼可能?」)
怎無法退燒 (I can’t bring his fever down)
You feel my pulse now (你現在有感受到我的脈搏了嗎?)
Getting too hot now (我越來越炙手可熱了)
I’m hyped (我超有能量)
I’m on fire (我超燙口)
I can be everything you admire (我可以成為任何你欣賞的樣子)
My life is hitting the mile-stone (我的人生慢慢的在達到那些)
That dudes in diaper ever desire (小屁孩們都所期許的里程碑)
血液充斥著, hot nerve fibers (My blood is filled with, 滾燙的神經)
鎮定劑就擱在這 (Just leave your sedatives here)
Pump your engines TREV哥在這 (發動你的引擎吧, your boy TREV is here)
心臟噗通噗通跳著像是嗑嗨了 (My heart is beating so fast like I’m going through some hardcore thing)
Run that 80 miles like it’s baby style (根本不當作一回事的跑完80英里的路)
Call me crazy pal? 你拿誰比較 (叫我瘋子? Who do you compare me with)
鍵盤俠沒底料又沒禮貌 (Keyboard warriors are full of crap and lack of manners)
不想要陪你鬧just lay it down (I don’t give a damn, 把你的鍵盤放下吧)
哦對了對了對了你們這些haters (oh btw, to y’all haters)
這個世界真的不是圍著你繞 (The world doesn’t revolve around you)
嗯謝了別了 (yea, no, thanks)
自己到旁邊Redbull的bar拿杯飲料 (Go ahead and grab a drink from Redbull’s bar right there)
Swing away (就儘管嘗試吧)
I bet you can not feel it like (我賭你一定沒辦法)
The way I sway (像我一樣舞動)
我每天起床都跟自己 (I wake up every morning and)
Say olé (對自己表示讚嘆)
這感覺像是跟最辣的 (It feels like getting drunk with the hottest bae)
才不管 if they be like (I don’t care, 他們如果要嘰嘰喳喳)
Boy, you mad (對著我說, 孩子你瘋了)
The doctor says “how?”(醫生說「怎麼可能?」)
怎無法退燒 (I can’t bring his fever down)
You feel my pulse now (你現在有感受到我的脈搏了嗎?)
Getting too hot now (我越來越炙手可熱了)
야 우냐? (Yo, u mad?/ 欸 你生氣了哦?)
看我太多糖怕我蛀牙?(Worried about my state cuz of all those accomplishments? )
I’m high on that sugar, (我像是喝了糖一樣的亢奮)
Mad like Freddy Krueger (像佛萊迪·克魯格一樣的瘋了)
你擋不住的 (You can’t stop me)
I jump from left to right and get through with my fancy footwork (我用我花俏的舞步, 從左到右, 慢慢的經過)
Bitches get left to die when they run into them cranky boomers (而那些瞧不起我的人, 碰到重重障礙的時候都被留著等死)
Yea我長的亭亭玉立 (True that I look kinda good)
但我靠我韻律 (But I make it to the top with my skills and effort)
從不憑憑運氣 (I never do anything by luck)
Boy I’m just tryna be me (兄dei, 我只是想要做我自己)
總是感覺第一 (Always feeling like a winner)
高電壓的氣息 (with that high-voltage vibe)
Caught me cashing out at BOA (在銀行兌現支票的時候被你發現)
“Wanna get paid”, Ain’t what we all said (「想要賺大錢」, 不是每個人都這麼說嗎?)
Make a jingle, 像你聽過 (做一首膾炙人口的歌, and you’ll hear it everywhere)
God I’ma be so ill (天啊! 我也太可怕了吧)
Swing away (就儘管嘗試吧)
I bet you can not feel it like (我賭你一定沒辦法)
The way I sway (像我一樣舞動)
我每天起床都跟自己 (I wake up every morning and)
Say olé (對自己表示讚嘆)
這感覺像是跟最辣的 (It feels like getting drunk with the hottest bae)
才不管 if they be like (I don’t care, 他們如果要嘰嘰喳喳)
Boy, you mad (對著我說, 孩子你瘋了)
The doctor says “how?”(醫生說「怎麼可能?」)
怎無法退燒 (I can’t bring his fever down)
You feel my pulse now (你現在有感受到我的脈搏了嗎?)
Getting too hot now (我越來越炙手可熱了)

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