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How it Ends
How it Ends

How it Ends


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How it Ends

How it Ends

TONE 仲維軍
TONE 仲維軍

發布時間 2009-07-06


用 autotune 風格 :)

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let's make it better...

if i could rewind time, i def would
i'd collect the fond memories and i'd leave
you and me back again
like how it was supposed to be
these words represent the state that i'm in
as the saying goes... all good things come to an end

there's something about you that takes me far
to another dimension where it's not so dark
oh how i wish that things could be better
(can we make it better?)

all it took was a simple change
we were just too caught up in our games
now it doesn't even matter

i know that i was wrong
if only i could be that strong one
i'd take you by the hand

(the way you smell, the way you touch)
(the words you say when youve had enough)
(the things you like, your favorite songs)

i must forget these things, im moving on

i guess that's how it ends...

i didn't want it to be this way...

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<br>你好:D<br>你的音樂做的很棒也非常迷人!!!<br>我們是一個錄音室的團體,最近想找一些不同的人才與我們合作,請問你有這個意願或者興趣嗎?<br><br> 這是錄音室的網址<br> 這是我們團體的網址<br><br>很期待你的回應喔!!!!

TONE 仲維軍

謝謝你的支持!<br><br>這只是一個草稿版本... 到時候錄好完整版本再公開給大家下載聽 :)


好聽 能給我這首下載嗎 thank you


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