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Lost and Found (demo)
Lost and Found (demo)

Lost and Found (demo)

PopLost And Found

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Lost and Found (demo)

Lost and Found (demo)


發布時間 2019-04-25


I usually do not write these kinds of songs which have distinct melodies resembles those chart-hitting songs, but it is so damn catchy for me, so I decided to upload. You could deem it as a manifestation of a rebellion against this benefit-driven world--we are just building barriers and walls against love, bring down the walls, embrace love.

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歌詞 動態歌詞

The ghosts are staying by the stream,灵魂在溪旁停驻

They try to hold on, to every passer being, 每个过往的存有,他们都试着攝住

So bring your heart 带上你的心

oh no they took your heart 噢不,他们拿走了你的心

Hold my hand, away with me 抓住我的手与我离开

The greatest ambition burns in a flee 最大的野心也稍纵即逝

Put down the pride, along with the greed 放下你的骄傲和贪婪

The church bells ring 教堂钟响

And The choir sing 赞美诗吟唱

We can all be saved in a way 我们终将得到救赎

In this never-ending circling game 离开这个游戏的循环往复

You lay down your head upon the earth 你将头倚在土壤

You shed your tears onto your shirt 你的眼泪浸入你的衬衫

You’re wondering 你在推敲

What is happening 到底发生了什么

You feel the joy and you feel the pain 你感受你的喜悦与痛苦

You feel these moments down the country lane 你在小路上回忆过去的瞬间

Now let them through 让它们穿过你吧

It’s time you let them through 不要让它们在你身上留下任何痕迹

The church bells ring 教堂钟响

And The choir sing 赞美诗吟唱

We can all be saved in a way 我们终将得到救赎

In this never-ending circling game 在这个循环往复的游戏之中

The memories keep floating in my head, 记忆们在我的脑海里漂浮

You swear this place is driving you mad 你信誓旦旦地说这个地方使你发疯

I smell the ocean, it’s saying what you said 我闻到了海洋,它在低吟你所说

You are not the joy and you are not the pain 你既不是你的喜悦,也不是你的痛苦

You are a sinner but also a saint 你是罪人,也是圣人

It’s just changing 你无法把握

Depends on what they say 因为众人乐于评判

The church bells ring 教堂钟响

And The choir sing 赞美诗吟唱

We can all be saved in a way 我们终将得到救赎

In this never-ending circling game 离开这个游戏的循环往复

And it’s fun to lose 失去你所选择的道路

The way you choose 也不过如此

See the whole world just the way they are 接受这个世界本来的面目

Maybe tonight, it’s time to depart 或许今晚,是时候上路了

Hold my hand Darling, away with me 抓住我的手与我离开

The greatest ambition burns in a flee 最大的野心也是稍纵即逝

Put down the pride, along with the greed 放下骄傲,放下贪婪

The greatest ambition burns in a flee 最大的野心也稍纵即逝

put down the pride, along with the greed 放下骄傲和贪婪

So now you perceive, that I love you, truly indeed. 如此你便最终认识到,我是爱你的

The church bells ring 教堂钟响

The choir sing 赞美诗吟唱

We can all be saved in a way 我们终将得到救赎

In this never-ending circling game 离开这个游戏的循环往复

Hold my hand darling away with me 抓住我的手与我离开

the greatest ambition burns in a flee 最大的野心也不过稍纵即逝

put down the pride, along with the greed 骄傲和贪婪也是如此

so now you perceive, that I love you truly indeed. 如此你才认识到,我是爱你的

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