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What's Going On (Live @ 第二十三屆政大金旋獎決賽)
What's Going On (Live @ 第二十三屆政大金旋獎決賽)

What's Going On (Live @ 第二十三屆政大金旋獎決賽)

Hip hop / Rap

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What's Going On (Live @ 第二十三屆政大金旋獎決賽)

What's Going On (Live @ 第二十三屆政大金旋獎決賽)

The Quest of Soul
The Quest of Soul

發布時間 2008-01-16



2006年的春天,一群在PTT RnB_Soul板結識而志同道合的朋友為了大鬧金旋獎而急中生智產生的作品。
為了呈現靈魂樂與真實的Hip-Hop質感,選用了三首歌曲拼合而成的,就是這首"What's Going On",
這三首歌分別是Naturally 7 - What Is It?
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On
Barry White - Love's Theme
What the hell is going on in the Taiwan music industry??聽聽我們怎麼說!

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(Excuse me) 對不起 不是我故意要吐嘈你
一堆人 只會模仿HipHop的皮 而沒有骨肉
u said u got skill 但是你空有技巧卻沒有態度 u still got kill
回到過去 we got Blue, Jazz & Soul Funk, RnB & RocknRoll
and nowaday we got HipHop, Hop & Neo Soul
yeah… that’s right we are The Quest of Soul yo!

Mother, mother, there's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother, there's far too many of you dying
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some loving here today, hey

Father, father, we don't need to escalate
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some loving here today

Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
Oh what's going on, what's going on
Yeah, what's going on, ah, what's going on

Mother, mother, everybody thinks we're wrong
but who are they to judge us
Simply cos our hair is long
you know we've got find a way
To bring some understanding here today

Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
What's going on, yeah what's going on
Tell me waht's going on, I'll tell you what's going on

不聽老歌言 吃虧就在眼前 台灣HipHop文化膚淺 的令人感到可憐
唱片公司把十首爛歌擺在一起放 變成專輯一張
難怪邱澤說 這樣搞的楊丞琳好緊 張
老師說 好歌帶你上天堂 爛歌帶你入套房
如果台灣可以多一點順子 少一點孫燕姿
可以多一點方大同 少一點王力宏
可以多一點宋岳庭 少一點吳克群
可以多一點拷秋勤 少一點Machi Machi

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DiETwo 歹徒

Oh My God  A Cappella Hip Hop So COOL Man!!


<P>你好。。很好听。 能加MSN 聊下么。。<A href=""></A></P>

