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06 最美麗的風景 The Most Beautiful Scenery (feat.Davide Frontera)
06 最美麗的風景 The Most Beautiful Scenery (feat.Davide Frontera)

06 最美麗的風景 The Most Beautiful Scenery (feat.Davide Frontera)

JazzTaipei Live

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06 最美麗的風景 The Most Beautiful Scenery (feat.Davide Frontera)

06 最美麗的風景 The Most Beautiful Scenery (feat.Davide Frontera)


1 月


天際線融合爵士樂團 20週年音樂會 台北場

發布時間 2021-12-21



In the shuttle city, in addition to the dazzling beauty, there are many warm and beautiful scenery hidden in it, and that is the people beside you and me. Whether it is the gentle response when asking for directions, the friendly smiles that are courteous to each other, or even the smiles of the people on the street, they all bloom with brilliant brilliance and make people intoxicated. The three roles of saxophone, guitar and piano in the song interact with each other, like people in this city, becoming a beautiful landscape.

作曲 Written by Giuseppe Pastore & 江川徹
編曲 Arranged by Giuseppe Pastore
中音薩克斯風 Alto Saxophone by 江川徹
吉他獨奏 Solo Guitar by Davide Frontera
鼓組 Drum by Giuseppe Pastore
貝斯 Bass by Giuseppe Pastore
其他樂器 All Other Instrument by Giuseppe Pastore

© ℗ 2021 Giant Stream Studio

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