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Over (Remix)
Over (Remix)

Over (Remix)

Hip hop / Rap

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Over (Remix)

Over (Remix)

PsYcHo aka Sac
PsYcHo aka Sac

發布時間 2010-05-11


I know way too many people right here that I didn't know last year
Who the f-ck are y'all
I swear it feels like the last few nights we've been everywhere and back
But I just can't remember it all What am I doing, what am I doing
Oh yeah thats right, I'm doing me, I'm doing me
I'm living life right now man
And this what I'ma do til its over
Til it's over
But it's far from over

Everything is over The world get colder
即使说的再美丽 又有谁会信呢
最好学会闭嘴 最好学会装蒜
一直都在考虑这些问题存在什么因素 可是如果这样下去我就像是中毒
所以 我决定 不再去纠缠 把这些该死的bullshit 留给那群混蛋
我发现 还是有人在叫嚣 无耻 根本不懂得什么叫做适可而止
胆大妄为 无法无天 看不惯的嚣张气焰

I know way too many people right here that I didn't know last year
Who the f-ck are y'all
I swear it feels like the last few nights we've been everywhere and back
But I just can't remember it all What am I doing, what am I doing
Oh yeah thats right, I'm doing me, I'm doing me
I'm living life right now man
And this what I'ma do til its over
Til it's over
But it's far from over

看多了这样的嘴脸 看看到底谁最会演
我对你们的态度 从未有过改变
难道我被美好表面现象 给欺骗
谁告诉我虚情假意什么时候才能结束 我该怎样才能不受情感所摆布
从来都不奢望别人施舍于我帮助 他们会在背后嘲笑你刚才的哭诉
所以他们觉得我很固执 我自以为是 确实 没办法 就是这样的方式
不知道是隐藏还是应该暴露 应该把手放在胸前感受心脏的温度
选择对我来说其实并不那么困难 无非就是站在对错的两端

I know way too many people right here that I didn't know last year
Who the f-ck are y'all
I swear it feels like the last few nights we've been everywhere and back
But I just can't remember it all What am I doing, what am I doing
Oh yeah thats right, I'm doing me, I'm doing me
I'm living life right now man
And this what I'ma do til its over
Til it's over
But it's far from over

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