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美麗本人 Dr. Beauty

音樂人 臺北市

美麗本人 aka 為「蜆仔」藝人、網美、饒舌歌手、音樂製作人,主持人。你無法用一個職務來形容美麗本人,但他自稱是全方位偶像。
粗曠的他擁有濃密的鬍子卻打著『美麗本人』的稱號出來行走江湖, 但仔細看看他的臉龐就能知道這個號稱絕對不含糊。

Bobi Lee, known professionally as Dr. Beauty a.k.a. Asian Clam, is an artist, influencer, instagram model, rapper, music producer, and host. Possessed more than one repertoire in his skill set, he is known for his multitalented ability and often claimed himself as the true all around idol in the show business.

Rugged look along with a bushy beard and yet still called himself “Dr. Beauty”, but as long as you look closely, pondering over his face, the name Dr. Beauty will suddenly makes more sense.

Lee is widely praised for his humor,and
extremely dramatic performances by many known artists and audiences.

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