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is it over yet?
is it over yet?

is it over yet?


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is it over yet?

is it over yet?

zoy ellie
zoy ellie

發布時間 2023-08-01


is it over yet?

is it over yet
are we near the end
if I feel nothing
will that stop the hurting
the street gets dark
will it ever go quiet
I kinda see my future
in a folk-rock song

what a lovely nightmare I have
I woke up and erased its face
pretending I’m having fun
kinda wish this could be over
so I can stop wishing for something that’s not gonna happen
while I keep getting older

a quiet sigh
a gradual epiphany
I try to live through those
just in case…

what a lovely nightmare I have
I woke up and erased its face
pretending I’m having fun
kinda wish this could be over
so I can stop wishing for something that’s not gonna happen
I keep getting older

I’m not sure if this is what I want
endless conversations till I’m done
now everything tastes bittersweet
it took me longer to fall asleep
then wake up in a fever dream

one day I’ll see the world from the tallest tree
but now it’s swallowing me

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