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The Personals 征婚啟示
The Personals 征婚啟示

The Personals 征婚啟示

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The Personals 征婚啟示

The Personals 征婚啟示

wenhui.Luo 羅文輝
wenhui.Luo 羅文輝

發布時間 2024-09-20

歌詞 動態歌詞

大叔年纪一大把 Uncle is quite old
好想有个她 I really want to have her
陌生好友不停加 Unknown friends keep adding
就是没应答 Just didn't respond
大叔脾气有点差 Uncle has a bad temper
皇帝都不怕 The emperor is not afraid
不拍马屁不浮夸 No flattery, no exaggeration
所以不发达 So underdeveloped
工资不到一万块 Salary less than 2000 yuan
从来不计划 Never planned
因为算也算不过 Because it can't be counted either
火箭的房价 Rocket like rising housing prices
架驶技术顶瓜瓜 Very good driving skills
只是车太差 Just the car is too bad
抛锚了绝不要你推 If it breaks down, you never have to push it
你打车先回家 You take a taxi home first
美女不为钱而嫁 If a beautiful woman doesn't marry for money
就是想提拔 She definitely wants to be promoted
大叔我都做不到 Uncle, I can't even do it
我只会弹吉它 I only know how to play guitar
有爱就能成个家 As long as there is love, one can marry a wife
火星上去抓 We're going to search on Mars
地球上只剩下你 You are the only one left on Earth
美丽的大傻瓜 Beautiful fool
美女不为钱而嫁 If a beautiful woman doesn't marry for money
就是想提拔 She definitely wants to be promoted
大叔我都做不到 Uncle, I can't even do it
只会弹吉它 I only know how to play guitar
有爱就能成个家 As long as there is love, one can marry a wife
火星上去抓 We're going to search on Mars
地球上只剩下你 You are the only one left on Earth
陪我走天涯 Accompany me to wander around
美女不为钱而嫁 If a beautiful woman doesn't marry for money
就是想提拔 She definitely wants to be promoted
大叔我都做不到 Uncle, I can't even do it
只会弹吉它 I only know how to play guitar
有爱就能成个家 As long as there is love, one can marry a wife
火星上去抓 We're going to search on Mars
地球上只剩下你 You are the only one left on Earth
给我打电话 Give me a call
重复一遍 come again

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