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lilKrake小章章 - Basa Basa
lilKrake小章章 - Basa Basa

lilKrake小章章 - Basa Basa

Hip hop / RapAlien Brain

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lilKrake小章章 - Basa Basa

lilKrake小章章 - Basa Basa


發布時間 2020-04-23


"Basa Basa"
by lilKrake小章章

Alien Brain Chapter.2
-外星腦 第二章-

後續篇章陸續發佈 敬請期待

詞 / Lyrics by lilKrake小章章
曲 / Composed by lilKrake小章章
編曲 / Beat produced by Payday x Xavi
錄音 / Recorded by lilKrake小章章
混音 / Mixed by lilKrake小章章
(混音賤價接案請找我 @lilkrake)
Recorded in Banana Kingdom (香蕉王國) @banana_kingdom105
in Taiwan Kaohsiung

Instagram: @lilkrake
Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW
Youtube: lilKrake小章章
Sound Cloud: lilKrake
Street Voice: lilKrake小章章
Spotify: Lil Krake
iTunes: Lil Krake
KKBox: Lil Krake

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Basa basa basa basa basa to that bitch
Basa basa basa basa basa all these chasers
Basa basa basa basa basa for being rich
Basa basa basa basa beggars can't be choosers

[Verse 1]
I look no fifty no richy
Grandmamie shuts down my PC
Work so hard still like a chichi
All money transfer to Bali
Romeo received the letter
Juliet ain't drink that potion
Benjamin resists the paper
Wright brothers think flying a bull shit
If somebody touches me on road
He's a sadomasochism
Wearing the emperor's new clothes
Damn I'm exhibitionism
Take a wrench to your mama's house
Nuked and she wearing an apron
I gotta meet my spouse
Pay someone betrothal as the ransom

Basa basa basa basa basa basa basa
金曲獎就用一點腥羶 再加一點芭樂
Basa basa basa basa basa basa basa
沒人想看我做文化 我只好開始搞砸

[Verse 2]
欸 早安 欸 早安
現在時間還早 還能夠求一點溫飽
穿黑色的妹仔 不會想進我粉色的 Trap House
嘴上唱嫑嫑 說KTV都點蛋堡
嫌 Biggie Tupac 太無聊
限動是 XXX 的詞 Party 嗨著 420
lil peep 走了才聽 Emo
消費 Hip-hop 成了穿著
戴 Gold chain 開 Lamborgini
生活過得ㄍㄧㄥ 也很難做大

Basa basa basa basa basa basa basa
金曲獎就用一點腥羶 再加一點芭樂
Basa basa basa basa basa basa basa
沒人想看我做文化 我只好開始搞砸

[Verse 3]
If I turn myself in 會被淹沒在歷史長河裡
這世界有太多算計 想要扒了我的皮
Imma go get it, go get it
No matter the sauce and the juice
I'm making a big purchase
People'll get crazy about my masterpiece
They gon' count how many trends I've made
Looking for the big pictures 是必須的
在台灣這個圈子 可能不會被記得
想紅 你就要叫記者 然後搞噱頭
用著軀殼 喊著Chigga 主流還是地下 根本沒有區隔
還是嬰兒就想唱饒舌 砸錢起飛的跟風者 到處充斥著

Basa basa basa basa basa basa basa
金曲獎就用一點腥羶 再加一點芭樂
Basa basa basa basa basa basa basa
沒人想看我做文化 我只好開始搞砸

Basa basa basa basa basa to that bitch
Basa basa basa basa basa all these chasers
Basa basa basa basa basa for being rich
Basa basa basa basa beggars can't be choosers

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