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耶穌乳香油細麵 (純素) Jehovah mastic oil noodles - Jeremy Hammony
耶穌乳香油細麵 (純素) Jehovah mastic oil noodles - Jeremy Hammony

耶穌乳香油細麵 (純素) Jehovah mastic oil noodles - Jeremy Hammony

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耶穌乳香油細麵 (純素) Jehovah mastic oil noodles - Jeremy Hammony

耶穌乳香油細麵 (純素) Jehovah mastic oil noodles - Jeremy Hammony

Jeremy Hammony 吉若米
Jeremy Hammony 吉若米

發布時間 2023-05-25


利未記 1-2「若有人獻素祭為供物給耶和華,要用細麵澆上油,加上乳香,」And when any one offereth an oblation of a meal-offering unto Jehovah, his oblation shall be of fine flour; and he shall pour oil upon it, and put frankincense thereon: Leviticus 2:1

1. 細麵――這是素祭首要的成分:麥團必須沒有粗糙的硬塊,十分均勻與潤滑。我們的品德也要這樣。2. 澆油——細麥必須澆上油,進入我們生命的深處。3. 乳香——生活中每個動作必須向著神,有馨香之氣。在基督凱旋的行列中,思想言行上都充滿著愛與頌贊。4. 調鹽——你們的言語常帶著和氣,如同有鹽調和。完全純淨,永遠不朽,阻止世上的罪惡。5. 若用爐中烤的物為素祭,就要用調油的無酵細麵餅,或是抹油的無酵薄餅。

1. Fine flour - this is the first ingredient of the grain offering: the wheat dough must be free from rough lumps, very even and smooth. So should our character. 2. Poured with oil—the fine wheat must be poured with oil into the depths of our being. 3. Frankincense—every action in life must be directed toward God, with a sweet fragrance. In the procession of Christ's triumph, there is love and praise in thought, word and deed. 4. Seasoned with salt—Your words are always mellow, as seasoned with salt. Perfectly pure, eternally immortal, and stop the evil in the world. 5. If the grain offering is made of something baked in the oven, it shall be unleavened fine flour cakes mixed with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.

24:5 你要取細麵,烤成十二個餅,每餅用麵伊法十分之二。

And thou shalt take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes thereof: two tenth parts of an ephah shall be in one cake.Leviticus 24:5

5 - 21 - 23, 4.12.33 PM “

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