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To My Dear Lily
To My Dear Lily

To My Dear Lily

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To My Dear Lily

To My Dear Lily


發布時間 2021-03-30


“那些失去你的日子里 全都丢失了颜色”

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歌詞 動態歌詞

编曲:绝对星等乐队 Hello,My name is Hazel Grace Lancaster你好 我是海瑟
and Auguster Waters was the star-crossed love of my life奥古斯都沃特是我的错爱星辰
Ours was an epic love story... 我们的爱浩如山海
and I probably won’t be able to get more than a sentence out 我有那么多的话要告诉你
without disappearing into a puddle of tears 却欲语泪先流
Like all real love stories... 如同其他的爱情一样
ours will die with us 我们的星辰也将终归尘土
As it should 本该如此
You know, I’d kind of hoped that he would be the one eulogizing me 我原本希望他能为我演说悼词
Because there’s really no one else... 因为我身边再也没有其他人了
Yeah, no. Um... 对...没有了
I’m not gonna talk about our love story, because I can’t请原谅我无法讲出我们之间的故事
So, instead, I’m gonna talk about math 所以,我来谈谈数学
I’m not a mathematician,but I do know this 我不是个数学家,但我仍知道
There are infinite numbers between zero and one 在0和1之间有无限多数字
There’s point-one, point-one-two, and point-one-one-two, and... 有0.1 0.12 0.112...
And an infinite collection of others和其他无限多数字
Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between zero and two... 当然有更多无限数字存在于0与2...
or between zero and a million 或0与一百万之间
Some infinities are simply bigger than other infinities 有些无限比其他无限更大
A writer we used to like taught us that 我们曾喜欢的作家告诉我们的
You know, I want more numbers than I’m likely to get 我多么想要更多的岁月
And, God... 我也贪心的祈祷
do I want more days for Auguster Waters than what he got 他可以拥有更多的时间
But Gus... 但是 古斯...
My love... 我最亲爱的...
I can’t tell you how thankful I am... 我说不出我多么感谢
for our little infinity 你带给我的 有限中的无限
You give me a forever 你留给我的
within the numbered days 永不泯灭的耀眼星辰
And for that, I am... 对于这一点
I’m eternally grateful 我将永远感激
I love you so much我爱你,很深很深的爱

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