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Mix A Little Beat
Mix A Little Beat

Mix A Little Beat

Hip hop / RapBeatz Demo

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Mix A Little Beat

Mix A Little Beat


發布時間 2008-11-28


銜接了幾首類似味道的小品 , 一天忙碌後 , 回家路上搭著街景 , 路燈閃過的時候 , 就是這個律動...Mix A Little Beat

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<p>likewise other males of Taiwan, i am doing the military service in Peng-Hu for a while now, and will retire at the very beginning of June. Nothing much, really. It's just that i am thinking about getting back to some of my production lately. send you some when i've got some progress then.</p><p>yours,</p><p>Curtis :)</p>


hey, dude. it's me, the goddamn motherf**** GODDAMN :p (prefer called Curtis this days). it's interesting that you are trying to use notes and melodies to tell the story but words or lines of lyrics. kind of like it:) i don't know what others think about this piece of work, but i surely adore the way and magnificent idea you connect whatever you saw on the path home. nice job. giving you the biggest thumb for the creativity. keep it rolling, dawg.<br />