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Free will
Free will

Free will

Hip hop / Rap

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Free will

Free will


發布時間 2022-01-29


編曲 李箴
混音 廖軒逸
詞曲 張鴻均
錄音 張鴻均

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歌詞 動態歌詞

Do you exist could you prove it that
Can you show me all your tricks huh m…
該死的人生能夠少一點是非 yah
I feel numb with angel and father
They teased me dumbbell like a master
Convinced me to become an adherent, then disappear when I broke my spirit,
Hoh my Jesus hey
I’d try my best to pray with folded hands
But It’s still have no effect on mitigating the self-condemned
"Does God know or does He not know that a certain individual will be good or bad?
If thou sayest 'He knows', then it necessarily follows that the man is compelled to act as God knew beforehand how he would act,
otherwise, God's knowledge would be imperfect.…"
I feel numb with angel and father
They teased me dumbbell like a master
Convinced me to become an adherent, then disappear when I broke my spirit,
Hoh my Jesus hey
I’d try my best to pray with folded hands
But It’s still have no effect
How can I escape this fucking frame with no more blamed
I don’t wanna face I’d rack my brains again and again
I just Half awake before daybreak, the street was filled in deep faint black
Can't open eyes Can’t feel my face, Unconscious time, I got no trace
Painful memories were played, Scenes of the past make me heartache
Since mind dragged out from the forehead, I’d got trapped by the Locked gate
I don’t wanna stay at this fucking darkness place
I felt fucking helpless ask for somebody help me
How can I escape this fucking frame with no more blamed
I don’t wanna face I’d rack my brains again and again

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