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Hip hop / Rap

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發布時間 2021-06-06



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Verse 1

要社交距離 人潮別聚集
Keep a social distance, Don't gather in crowds
最好宅家裡 Netflix and chillin’
Better stay at home
空氣好清新 街道不擁擠
The air is fresh, the streets are not crowded
不想看情侶 公車上親親 yaya~
Don’t want to see couples kissing on buses
不知道 是不是 真有病 但自閉 症的症 狀 我都有
Not sure whether I’m a psycho or not, but I got all the symptoms of autism
說反社 會人格 或孤僻 都好只 是不想 跟你們 靠太近
It’s fine to call me antisocial or a loner, I just don’t want to get too close to you
室內1.5 室外1公尺距離 不要講話只傳訊息
Indoors 1.5m outdoors 1m Don’t talk text me only
出門在外 keep it 大眾禮儀
Going out keep it courteous
你們都注意點 別再肉麻情節 這又不是在演 羅密歐茱麗葉
You guys better watch out I don’t want any romance
This is not like Romeo and Juliet
真的不能理解 閃光彈丟免錢 座位上都有貼 拜託離我遠點 yaya~
I just can’t figure out Stop showing Public Display of Affection
There are warnings on the seats please keep a distance from me


Social distance
We’re both so distant now
So where is my destiny
曖昧的粉紅空氣 拜託不要繼續
不要再黏在一起 請保持社交距離
Social distance
Keep your distance definitely

Verse 2

基本的 禮貌還 是需要 有
You got to have basic manners
墨鏡備 好別欺 負單身 狗
Pack the sunglasses stop bullying single people
餐 廳賣場 或其他 營業場所
Restaurrants, department stores or other places
都 該播這 首歌當 柔性勸說
They all should promote this song for soft persuasion
別再把 我的話 當耳邊風
Stop taking my words like a passing wind
保持這 距離哪 能手牽手
Don’t you guys holds hands when social distancing
不小心撞你 然後說借過
Walk into you on purpose and say excuse me
就 是看不 慣你們 卿卿我我
Go get a room
怎麼都沒人遵守 沒人因此而分手
How come there’s no one follow no one broke up because of this policy
把聽話的人當塑膠 難道am I a joke
You guys treat me like an idiot
To you? I dunno what to do
實話說 我很鬱卒 但不承認我嫉妒
To be frank I’m depressed but I don’t admit that I’m jealous
不知道 疫情持續 延燒要多久 宅在家我已受夠
I don’t know how long the epidemic will last but I’m done staying at home
保持社 交距離 希望你 我都能 在這場 災難 獲救
Keep social distancing I hope both of us can be saved in this disaster
難以接受 繼續跟風 廢話no more 還是go home
Hard to accept keep being a bandwagon
no more trash talk you better go home


Social distance
We’re both so distant now
So where is my destiny
曖昧的粉紅空氣 拜託不要繼續
不要再黏在一起 請保持社交距離
Social distance
Keep your distance definitely

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