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2008 重新出發
2008 重新出發

2008 重新出發

Hip hop / RapLife

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2008 重新出發

2008 重新出發

MC Sean
MC Sean

發布時間 2008-03-13


這首歌是寫給Street Voice的朋友

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2008 新一年新的開始 所有的人都等著我Pick up the mics
我像萬能麥斯顛覆All ya minds 不希罕人們的注目Take off yall eyes
我是MC上帝 你們等我開示 My fans迫不及待 Can't wait for this
I know, yall all 等著我的台詞 準備好要邁入到那Hip Hops Paradice
我不是Too頑固 我只是Too玩酷 Ayo microphone chake1, 2, 1, 2
批評我Too含糊 我生氣?不I'm cool 我的歌詞包羅萬象卻不Too untrue
我的歌每個人愛 不只To one dude 我穿著Kevin Garnett的鞋 21 shoe
You 還有每個加入Hip Hop的人都該付出努力拯救Hip Hop路

副歌:Swizz Beats
Hold up, the pump will make you jump up
Put ya body in the tr-unk
(Don't you baby, don't you baby, don't ya baby)
Keep goin now...
New York, and all the way to Cali
And the South'll make ya j-ump
(Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby)
Don't touch the boy, yup
Hold up, the pump will make ya jump up
Put ya body in the tr-unk
(Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby)
I'll whip ya ass from...
New York, and all the way to Cali
And the South'll make ya jump
1, 2, 3, we gone!

手握著麥克風 發燙已經著火 拿著金屬榴彈的我已經快要著魔
失控 觀眾看到我就開始發瘋 尖叫聲快要震破地球的耳膜
我上了舞台我像個 Boxer 我看著Loser 他們躲在Bosk
偽裝成Passer 卻Try to box us 但我一夫當關不用了Partner
我為Hip Hop而生 半神而且半人 一開始 Rap就像是Mike Tyson
我步如蝶舞 歌詞如峰螫 你吐像Fool 快把你打的瘋了
強者是我 會讓妳愛上我饒舌 (Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby)
笑了 我知道你想要跟我打啵 Come on baby, Come on baby, Come on, Come on, Come on baby

副歌:Swizz Beats
Hold up, the pump will make you jump up
Put ya body in the tr-unk
(Don't you baby, don't you baby, don't ya baby)
Keep goin now...
New York, and all the way to Cali
And the South'll make ya j-ump
(Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby)
Don't touch the boy, yup
Hold up, the pump will make ya jump up
Put ya body in the tr-unk
(Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby)
I'll whip ya ass from...
New York, and all the way to Cali
And the South'll make ya jump
1, 2, 3, we gone!

雖然已經大三 沒啥時間寫歌 不想留校查看 學費帳單險惡
抽空寫這首To my fraind street voice 不想老了變成累贅 Street noise
還是有些人只愛聽Backstreet Boys 那你就遠離我這位Street poet
現在依然freestyle at street alone 如何才能逃脫這命運的鐵籠
I ain't no Jeezy, ain't no from streets 但我As your wish 請到Swizz Beats
Me, MCHSIUNG 像道Streak, my music save you free
這歌代表我重新出發Yeah 拿著麥克風 再來一瓶Beer
Please, rap是呼吸器 別拿走讓我Breeth 你能放著這首歌直到Sleep

副歌:Swizz Beats
Hold up, the pump will make you jump up
Put ya body in the tr-unk
(Don't you baby, don't you baby, don't ya baby)
Keep goin now...
New York, and all the way to Cali
And the South'll make ya j-ump
(Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby)
Don't touch the boy, yup
Hold up, the pump will make ya jump up
Put ya body in the tr-unk
(Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby)
I'll whip ya ass from...
New York, and all the way to Cali
And the South'll make ya jump
1, 2, 3, we gone!

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