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Non-Concept 沒概念
Non-Concept 沒概念

Non-Concept 沒概念

Hip hop / Rap

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Non-Concept 沒概念

Non-Concept 沒概念

Double D
Double D

發布時間 2009-08-28


You are on the right track but going in the wrong direction
Just like u got all the right material but come out w/ the wrong production
If you feel the beat you can indeed feel the situation
As long as u got no concept u can jump down to the conclusion

Feel the groove and listen to this swagga-ass beat x4

Not techno, not hiphop, we made this beat to show u what we got
Not electro, not stupid pop, we made this beat to present who we are
No mainstream bullshit, no gangster rap, no sex, no violence, no talking trash
Just let Double D introduce u to

U know it has to start somewhere
U know it has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now
U gotta take it from me

Feel the groove and listen to this swagga-ass beat x4

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