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8 Outro
8 Outro

8 Outro

Hip hop / Rap

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8 Outro

8 Outro


發布時間 2023-05-30


ER 2023 Mini Album 《Ghost》曲目

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歌詞 動態歌詞

Let me take your hand when the sun comes out
If you really don’t mind
Let me take your hand when the sun comes out
Let me take your hand
If you really don’t mind

Let me take your hand when the sun comes out
Let me take your hand when the sun comes out

Let me take your hand when the sun comes out
If you really don’t mind
Let the wind spreads my love for you
If you really don’t mind
Let me take your hand when the sun comes out
If you really don’t mind
Let the wind spreads my love for you
If you really don’t mind

If you really don’t mind
If you really don’t mind
If you really don’t mind

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