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The Great Reveal (demo)
The Great Reveal (demo)

The Great Reveal (demo)


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The Great Reveal (demo)

The Great Reveal (demo)

洪比利 Billy Walshaw
洪比利 Billy Walshaw

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2021-12-18


這首歌混合了中英文歌詞,是一首朗朗上口的 Rockabilly 搖滾頌歌,試圖揭露世界與自我的真相。究竟是什麼導致這個世界與我個人生活中的混亂與毀滅?這一切是否源於「慾望」?如果我順從自己的基本欲望,我還算是個好人嗎?這首歌提出的問題比答案更多,歌詞中的「想要重新開始」就像遊戲角色一樣,但現實中卻無法實現。

主要錄音 Main Recording | Billy Walshaw 洪比利
主唱 Vocal | Billy Walshaw 洪比利
吉他 Guitar | Billy Walshaw 洪比利
貝斯 Bass | 郭二中

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Waiting for your great reveal what could it be?
Would you tell me the answer that will set me free?
Or would it be something like how we lost our way?
Or would you reveal what would be ok?
I’m a man out of sync I want to replay
The world is on fire fueled by desire
Fueled by desire
The great reveal

Waiting for your great reveal what could it be?
Would you show me the man who does not care about me?
Or would it be just like how the planets meet?
Are our actions leading down a dead end street?
Our times were distinct now in decay
The world is on fire fueled by desire
Fueled by desire
The great reveal


Waiting for your great reveal what could it be?
Would you tell me the answer that will set me free?
Or would it be something like how we lost our way?
Or would you reveal what would be ok?
I’m a man out of sync I want to replay
The world is on fire fueled by desire
Fueled by desire
The great reveal

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