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洪比利 Billy Walshaw

音樂人 臺北市

洪比利是一名獨立音樂人,擁有英國和排灣族血統的獨特融合。他的音樂反映了他的多元文化背景。他的歌曲從西洋搖滾(如The Kinks, Bowie和The Smiths的影響)到傳統的排灣族吟唱,無縫切換,創造出獨特且多變的聲音。

Billy Walshaw, also known as 洪比利 in Mandarin, is an independent musician with a compelling blend of English and Paiwan (Taiwanese Indigenous) heritage. Billy's music is a reflection of his multicultural background. His songs transition seamlessly from English indie rock influences to traditional Paiwan chants, creating a unique and eclectic sound.

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洪比利 Billy Walshaw的歌曲

發布歌曲・3 週前
洪比利 Billy Walshaw

Busy days… getting ready for my new single release on July 5th the song is called “Me See Me Too- excited for you to hear it!

發布歌曲・1 個月前
發布歌曲・1 個月前
發布歌曲・1 個月前
發布歌曲・2 個月前
發布歌曲・4 個月前
發布歌曲・4 個月前


Me See Me Too

Me See Me Too

洪比利 Billy Walshaw

沈入音樂,保持自由! - - --- - - - - - - - - -- - 詞曲 主唱 吉他|洪比利 Billy Walshaw 爵士鼓 |John Duxbury 貝斯|傅惟恩 吉他|劉子毓 長笛|奢樓府 Vadim 手鼓|黃敬堯 錄音室|岩石音樂 Rocks 錄音師|郭二中 混音 |洪比利 Billy Walshaw - - ----- - - ------ --- - - - - --- Recorded most of the song a couple of months ago at Rocks 岩石音樂 with help from old Bento band mates and friends . It …