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Ninja Turbo
Ninja Turbo

Ninja Turbo

Hip hop / Rap

  • 播放次數


  • 喜歡


鄒陶 Spencer Victor

發布時間 2022-08-31


今晚的我 看見前世今生
今晚的我 看見前世今生
牽起你的手 不想動 跟著走 全都往返

See The Future twenty four seven seven eleven
相信我 牽起我的手
放棄 都不是我說
Three plus four equal seven twenty four seven seven eleven

這是什麼光 靈魂再度飄走
牽起我的手 跟著我走
I try I try so hard
Try to find
From the other side

Keep gogogo try to gogogo
Find the answer
From the other side
Had to phone someone so I pick on you

Fade away
Fade away
Never forever never ever
Tell me your secret
I don't need to know after party
Tell me your secret
After we go after party we go to the zoo
There's no reason there's no words
Watch a movie land the beach

I don't need anyone else I good on my own
所以開始共處 獨處 相處 竹林七賢是哪七賢 我看是你太閒
Have a seat
想要 想要就去追阿 不然吸的也行
這時忽然跑出一個郎中 遙遙懷錶看時鐘

開始啷啷 gogogo
都不要說 都不要說
Become low
Sometime high some time low

都不要說 都不要說 只需要做
Sometime high and low
Sometime high some time low

Pick up pick up your body
I try so hard
Let me know
Super star
Shooting star

Have a seat

Let me go let me go
就算是這樣又如何 那樣又如何

Pick up pick up your body
I try so hard
Let me know
Super star
Shooting star

Have a seat
Sometime high sometime low
Become low


I am pure
World so mess
You are the one
So don't pretend
Psycho again i'm not mad
Take my hand
Clean my mind
Let's go look the lights on

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