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Procrastination Trap
Procrastination Trap

Procrastination Trap

Hip hop / Rap

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Procrastination Trap

Procrastination Trap

Shimmy Yeh
Shimmy Yeh

發布時間 2023-11-03


之前常在想 到底是不是beats不夠好聽所以歌不夠好聽 後來聽到J. Cole用Bvtman的type beat寫的那首歌《Procrastination (broke)》就覺得 如果他拿type beat(不夠好的)都能寫這麼好聽 那我也用同個人做的beat 也算被Cole認可的(夠好的)beat了 這樣怎麼講就都沒有藉口了 當然我不可能寫的跟扣神一樣好 但我很想認真對待 於是我想花很多時間寫出一個突破 但到頭來還是一下就寫完了 寫得很不踏實 好像時間花不夠的的東西就不夠好 覺得可能可以花更多時間弄得更順 搞不好我可以寫出像cole一樣的作品 雖然他可能只花個幾分鐘 但這首歌對我來說是一個特殊里程碑 相信歌詞能引起你的共鳴
詞 Lyricist|Shimmy Yeh 葉紹宇
編曲 Arrangement| Bvtman
錄音師 Recording Engineer|M6ngo 任駿豐
混音師 Mixing Engineer|吳晏亨
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|吳晏亨
封面 Cover|Shimmy Yeh 葉紹宇, LouiZ 詹家豪
特別感謝|政大黑音, 阿芙蘿競技場

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歌詞 動態歌詞

They said: "you a dreamer"
MLK said he had a dream
Cole said: "Don't let them know yo dream"
First, you got a dream and you proceed to achieve it.
You kept dreaming and dreaming
Finally what’s in my mind is in progress, Work in progress, Wip
I confess, I’m the one and only god selection, Shit
But the world made me put on a bomb vest
Ready to send them crooks to the tomb to rest, Sleep bitch (tomb)
Always arguing when can my tongue rest
So many wrath to get out of my chest
Man that ref ass, fuck that snobbish ass, bitch
Turn it into 24 karat from mere concept
Like I’m amber heard (gold dig), Shit My candle burns, at both ends
But nothing changed
Still can’t seize the chance, Still can’t please my friends
Still fucked up everything I cherish
I should’ve done this, I should’ve done that
Fuck all that, What I want to do right now is to pick up a bat and smash
That cheese laugh at me can’t even reach what dreamed of stucking in this procrastination trap
Tired of all that long waiting but theirs no one holding me back
Time passing by like razor knife
Thought I was moving fast, But then I realize
I’m still (but then I realize)
I’m still still
I'm still standing still

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