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Wind Wave 風波 feat. Majin
Wind Wave 風波 feat. Majin

Wind Wave 風波 feat. Majin

Hip hop / Rap甘 Aftertaste

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Wind Wave 風波 feat. Majin

Wind Wave 風波 feat. Majin

Debby Wang 王思雅
Debby Wang 王思雅

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發布時間 2024-01-30



Debby 王思雅攜手三位日本爵士演奏家鈴木瑶子、北澤大樹,以及小玉勇氣,試音時所演奏的碰撞而產生出的火花,碰巧被製作人程杰告知已錄製,而留下來的音檔。

原曲來自Debby 王思雅即將發行首張專輯中的〈定風波〉,靈感正是蘇軾的定風波。在長年旅居奧地利以及美國,單曲想表現出這13年間各地的漂流所產生的疑惑以及身份自我懷疑。製作單曲時,想找尋背景類似的歌手,意外在《大嘻哈時代2》Majin的片段,深受吸引並直接接洽Majin。此曲的創作過程為共同創作,Debby 希望 Majin 可以將自己最直接聽到音樂的感受作詞以及吟唱,進而誕生了〈Wind Wave 風波〉。

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The world ain‘t how i thought it was,
So i had to create my own rules,
knowledge, morals,
everything about anything,
gotta restart it all man,
to not be controlled.
Yea like,
you know that‘s how i‘ve been staying awake
and how i know im gonna go insane,
when the bads are good, and goods are bad,
the rights are wrong, and wrongs are right,
thank god i was young enough to pull myself out and realize that,
the only thing i can trust is something that comes from the deepest inside.

music has no borders, music has no nationalities,music is the most beautiful language on earth, you know?
I tried to travel the earth to get to know people and cultures, the differences from distances.
When i came back i found myself not only finding new countries,
but finding my self asking questions to the core.

Who am i in this world?
Who am i to this world?
Why am i in this world?
How do i live in this world?
Now that I’m 23 years old, i wonder sometimes, is this my world? or just somebody else’s show.

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