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Raining Flame
Raining Flame

Raining Flame


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Raining Flame

Raining Flame


發布時間 2018-05-30

歌詞 動態歌詞

Falling, i’m falling.坠落,我在坠落
I can’t feel pain anymore.我感觉不到痛苦
Under the grey sky comes a murder of crows.乌鸦们在灰色天空下开始一场惩罚
Drowning and fading away this rain is killing me.淹没,褪色,这场雨摧毁了我
Someone tell me what the hell I’m looking for.来人告诉我我在找寻着什么
I tried to reach your hand.我用力去触碰你的手
It’s not the end.告诉你这还不是结束
I will burn myself for the blinding light.我愿意为了那夺目的光芒燃烧自己
Never regret or repent.决不后悔,永不忏悔
Choke and die from it.难以呼吸,随风凋零
Now you’ve got nothing to say.你现在无话可说了吧
Just pour your hate and fear all over me.让我浸没在你的厌恶里
Now I am crawling under your fake and hypocrisy.在你的虚伪下踽踽独行
Wait and see how I burn it down to ashes.看着吧,它们终将化为乌有
I tried to reach your hand.我用力去触碰你的手
It’s not the end.告诉你这还不是结束
I will burn myself for the blinding light.我愿意为了那夺目的光芒燃烧自己
Never regret or repent.决不后悔,永不忏悔
I will not ever let this happen,Before I burn my last out.在我燃烧殆尽之前,绝不会让这发生
Drops of flame hit me in my face.Melt in the rain!雨焰落下,在雨中熔化
I tried to reach your hand.我用力去触碰你的手
It’s not the end.告诉你这还不是结束
I will burn myself for the blinding light.我愿意为了那夺目的光芒燃烧自己
Never regret or repent.决不后悔,永不忏悔

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