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Letter for BB
Letter for BB

Letter for BB

Hip hop / Rap

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Letter for BB

Letter for BB


發布時間 2010-08-10


Lyrics: H Jr.

Dearest Ven
Wrote ya letter with my hands and hearts filled in pen
wish ya'all doin'safe n' sound as plan
see me off flying K-L-M
Question goes on? Am I'm out of mind or being insane
Ya me part away leave ya there 5-year-old champ
What the heck's goin' on what kind of the man? Who I am?
recall those hugs, show me endless love
Truth is Ya brave and ya strong
but tears rapping this sad song
1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi
10 seconds holdin' tears in the frame
Ya say nothin' but quietly stand
matter fact ya're mentally in pain
Again, Again...Again...No guts askin' me stay, sleep over Dr. plan
Look at me in my eyes havin' cold smile

Babe listen we hatta come to realize
this is huge step lifting our future life
Nothin' gonna change rule of the game this time
Something good ahead of life
That's what G has in mind
Like an Angel singing rhyme
Put your head up, keep your faith alive, loo mai?
That means do you understand in Thai

Here comes little champion son
JJ. runs around eating his favorite Dutcha milk n' bun
Step and Say to his old man
Hey Daddy, where ya headin' for fun
Can I come please? Can I come?
Wanna go with ya for new toy gun
Oops ..wait...hold on...
My packin' undone ticket still none
Mommy Mommy I-Pod gone what a milk run
Serious mommy I don't understand what's goin' on?
Daddy doin' somethin'wrong?

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