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Coffee/ 咖啡香
Coffee/ 咖啡香

Coffee/ 咖啡香


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Coffee/ 咖啡香

Coffee/ 咖啡香


發布時間 2008-01-18


04 年完成, 用Sonar, 以及一把$99 的Epiphone製完成. 在台灣, 我推薦尚品的咖啡豆, 新鮮, 豆子是他們自己烘的.

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輕聞一口咖啡香 吸進了心房

Smell the coffee, deep into the soul

打開了胸中久久無法 釋懷的悲傷

So open the sadness which is long and deep inside the heart

微焦複雜的苦澀 帶出了芬芳

the complicated burned bitter, brings out the good smell

縷縷上升的蒸汽濃煙 暫時停止了思想

With the slowly rising steam, pause the thought

那哪哪哪哪 咖啡香

na na na na na, coffee smell

那哪哪哪哪 咖啡香

na na na na na, coffee smell

磨豆磨裡的聲響 敲醒 味覺的天堂

the sound in the bean grinder keeps on knocking the heaven of taste

熱水透過濾紙 昇華 成深深的幻想

Though the filter, hot water vaporized into deep imagination

一口一口輕輕啐 讓感覺徜徉

sipping the coffee and let the feeling fly

閉上眼睛深呼吸 感受 點點滴滴

close your eyes and take a deep breath to feel each taste

那哪哪哪哪 咖啡香

na na na na na, coffee smell

那哪哪哪哪 咖啡香
na na na na na, coffee smell

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<pre>我個人比較喜歡這一首的風格.....<img title="表情符号24" src="../images/faceicon/face_type2_24.gif" border="0" alt="表情符号24" /></pre>
<pre>HA~~~也很適合那種情境!<img title="表情符号01" src="../images/faceicon/face_type2_01.gif" border="0" alt="表情符号01" /></pre>