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Chill Out
Chill Out

Chill Out

R&B / Soul

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Chill Out

Chill Out


發布時間 2024-03-04


製作人Producer|劉細菌 Germ Liu、Jesse
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|劉細菌 Germ Liu
編曲Arranger|劉細菌 Germ Liu、Jesse
人聲錄音工程師Vocal Recording Engineers|林心拓 Taku Lin
混音師 Mixing Engineer|Lance Powell
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|張皓棠 Dennis Chang

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歌詞 動態歌詞

You came by with furious eyes, cursing for no reason why
I can’t stand that
You always think you're damn right, but why’s everything against your mind?
Again, it’s a dead end

Oh, it’s like a mirror of your mind, reflecting your cynical mood to the outside
Oh, maybe you should take the way I do, that’s true
I go easy with the flow

Just chill out, all things must have their way out
Don’t put too much effort to deal
Chill out, and all of sudden you will find out
It’s just a small change, life goes on
So keep yourself calm down

It’s really amazing, I gotta say
Those are tiny things, why don’t you use your brain
You got yourself embarrassed and left the problems unsolved
All you do is lose your control, talking like you’re scolding a dog
Don’t care about the other’s feeling
Speaking like you’re the victim

Oh, we’re not here to spread our anger, it just won’t help but make problems more complicated
Oh, this world is not revolving around you, it’s cruel
So go easy with the flow

Just chill out, all things must have their way out
Don’t put too much effort to deal
Chill out, and all of sudden you will find out
It’s just a small change, life goes on
So keep yourself calm down

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