<P>Hello, </P> <P>Can I have this song and lyrics, too? <A href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw" mce_href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw">bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw</A></P> <P>Thanks in advance if you send it. </P> <P>If you don't mind, I will pass your song to one of my foreign friends, we always change some different songs for listening. I would like to ask him to check this blog in order to listen more about your music, but he can't understand Chinese..it's a pity...</P> <P>Keep singing..</P>
<P>Hello, </P> <P>Can I have this song and lyrics, too? <A href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw" mce_href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw">bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw</A></P> <P>Thanks in advance if you send it. </P> <P>If you don't mind, I will pass your song to one of my foreign friends, we always change some different songs for listening. I would like to ask him to check this blog in order to listen more about your music, but he can't understand Chinese..it's a pity...</P> <P>Keep singing..</P>
<P>Hello, </P> <P>Can I have this song and lyrics, too? <A href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw">bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw</A></P> <P>Thanks in advance if you send it. </P> <P>If you don't mind, I will pass your song to one of my foreign friends, we always change some different songs for listening. I would like to ask him to check this blog in order to listen more about your music, but he can't understand Chinese..it's a pity...</P> <P>Keep singing..</P>
<P>請問我也可以要這首歌及歌詞嗎? <A href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw">bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw</A></P>
<P>Hello, 請問我也可以要這首歌及歌詞嗎? <A href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw">bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw</A></P>
<P>Thank you very much in advance!!</P>
<P>Hello, </P>
<P>Can I have this song and lyrics, too? <A href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw" mce_href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw">bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw</A></P>
<P>Thanks in advance if you send it. </P>
<P>If you don't mind, I will pass your song to one of my foreign friends, we always change some different songs for listening. I would like to ask him to check this blog in order to listen more about your music, but he can't understand Chinese..it's a pity...</P>
<P>Keep singing..</P>
<P>Hello, </P>
<P>Can I have this song and lyrics, too? <A href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw" mce_href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw">bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw</A></P>
<P>Thanks in advance if you send it. </P>
<P>If you don't mind, I will pass your song to one of my foreign friends, we always change some different songs for listening. I would like to ask him to check this blog in order to listen more about your music, but he can't understand Chinese..it's a pity...</P>
<P>Keep singing..</P>
<P>Hello, </P>
<P>Can I have this song and lyrics, too? <A href="mailto:bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw">bluepuckishcat@yahoo.com.tw</A></P>
<P>Thanks in advance if you send it. </P>
<P>If you don't mind, I will pass your song to one of my foreign friends, we always change some different songs for listening. I would like to ask him to check this blog in order to listen more about your music, but he can't understand Chinese..it's a pity...</P>
<P>Keep singing..</P>
<P>可以給我歌詞 AND 這首歌嗎~~~!</P>
<P>可以的話請回應~~~~~ 拜託 ~~~~~ !</P>
<P>可以傳給我嗎 <A href="mailto:yueh80@yahoo.com.tw">yueh80@yahoo.com.tw</A></P>
<P> 因為信箱好像不能記檔案太大的所以可以用即時通傳嗎</P>
<P>可以給我檔案歌詞嗎? <IMG src="http://tw.streetvoice.com/images/faceicon/face_type2_09.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://tw.streetvoice.com/images/faceicon/face_type2_09.gif"></P>
<P>我的信箱:e124468232@yahoo.com.tw </P>
<P class=9pt-Green>如果不介意,可以寄 '因為愛' '定格' '慢慢來'的檔給我嗎!?</P>
<P class=9pt-Green>(快大考了,不能每天上網,可是又很想聽!!<IMG class="" src="http://tw.streetvoice.com/images/faceicon/face_type2_09.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://tw.streetvoice.com/images/faceicon/face_type2_09.gif">)</P>
<P class=9pt-Green>你的歌真的都超好聽的,舒服但不膩</P>
<P class=9pt-Green>還有你在歌喉戰的表現我和其他朋友們都很喜歡,</P>
<P class=9pt-Green>(你現在在我們班超紅的喔!!) </P>
<P class=9pt-Green>也希望你能越來越傑出,越來越好! </P>
<P class=9pt-Green><A href="mailto:danlike724@yahoo.com.tw">danlike724@yahoo.com.tw</A></P>
<P class=9pt-Green>謝謝,麻煩了!<IMG src="http://tw.streetvoice.com/images/faceicon/face_type2_01.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://tw.streetvoice.com/images/faceicon/face_type2_01.gif"></P>