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Sea of Star
Sea of Star

Sea of Star

AlternativeLost In Transition

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Whale Done ! 鯨魚號

  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2022-02-09


My breathe's slowing down and been smooth
Blue waves lapped on my feet
The light and shade crisscrossed under the water
Like a bird in the cage
Gaze at the stars in the sky
The Strain and worry I need to calm down my heart

Cause I've worked hard to grasp everything
But like fishing out the moon, isn't it ?
The water splashed my hands
Getting wet by the rain, shaken by the waves
Then I've drawn a blank, suddenly
Look into space

Like a fish in the bowl
Thirsted for free in the ocean
The stress and feeling
All I had tried to release

Cause I've worked hard to grasp everything
But all beat a dead horse, isn't it?
The fog faded away
Floating in the water, feeling cold all over
Then I blacked out slowly
Close my eyes

I wanna try to release
Can’t feel it anymore I wanna try to release
Can’t feel it anymore

When wind breezed through my face
Cry tears of sapphire
The light and star glittered on the ocean
Awakening from the dream I still sit here
The dream and fancy fade away slowly

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