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Fuck Star
Fuck Star

Fuck Star


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The Riotous騷亂樂團

發布時間 2009-06-05


This won't be played on your radio tonight
Ain't gonna hang around till there's nobody dancing,alright
plese look in my eyes and disguise to let the world stand-by

This won't be played on your radio tonight
I want you dancing and following the music,alright
please let it fly, and shake your body if you don't know what to do just natural high

you'll wanna scream for boys in the band
make you and me like the sunshine
they think i watste time, i don't care
I don't fucking need their criticism

This won't be played on your radio tonight
I want you dancing and following the music,alright
please let it fly, and shake your body if you don't know what to do just natural high

you'll wanna scream for boys in the band
make you and me like the sunshine
now i can feel that with my friends
just one night free my soul

you'll wanna scream for boys in the band
make you and me like the sunshine
they think i watste time, i don't care
I don't fucking need their criticism

This song i wanna sing for friends of mine
the music's the reason we're going to fight
This song i wanna sing for friends of mine
even though we will be different places next time

how many people can't achive before they die
From all this world that is constantly going on, it exactly like stray

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恭喜您,萬中選一!您被StreetVoice.com推薦了!<BR><BR>這不是詐騙集團的新把戲,我們也沒有貪圖您的錢財或美色。<BR>真的噢!!!!您的優秀作品被StreetVoice.com推薦了!!<BR>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>被推薦期間,您的音樂作品「Fuck Star」將會出現在以下位置:<BR>★StreetVoice.com首頁「最新推薦音樂作品」<BR>★StreetVoice.com音樂頻道「編輯推薦音樂作品」<BR><BR>