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Let's Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fxxk It
Let's Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fxxk It

Let's Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fxxk It

RockLet's Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fxxk It

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Let's Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fxxk It

Let's Catch The Sun Within 44 Beats And Fxxk It

Trip Fuel
Trip Fuel

發布時間 2018-07-31


Chasing chasing the sun
carrying me to the other world
Chasing chasing the sun
carrying me to the other world
For all the lies that's baiting
am a human still
am a human still
People are always greed and mistaken
am a human still
am a human still
For all the lies that's baiting
am a human still
am a human still
People are always greed and mistaken
am a human still
am a human still

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