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It's OK (live at 2017 黑市私會台北站)
It's OK (live at 2017 黑市私會台北站)

It's OK (live at 2017 黑市私會台北站)

Alternative現場錄音 live

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It's OK (live at 2017 黑市私會台北站)

It's OK (live at 2017 黑市私會台北站)

飢餓藝術家 The Hunger Artist
飢餓藝術家 The Hunger Artist

發布時間 2017-03-27


2017 年 2 月 10 日台北 Legacy 黑市私會台北站現場錄音

作曲/作詞:Paul Draper



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I wish you were greedy
I wish you were cold
I wish that you were cruel and empty
But your not (In front of me)

But it's OK, you can cry in front of me
It's OK, I've seen it before
It's OK, you can fall on to your knees
It's OK, cos I've seen you before

Wish I could nurse you
I wish you were sick
I hope your happiness defends you against me
Oh no, not me

Cos it's OK, you can cry in front of me
It's OK, I've seen you before

I know you got the same for me

So it's OK, you can cry in front of me
It's OK, I've seen you before
It's OK, you can fall onto your knees
It's OK, i've seen you before
It's OK, you can cry in front of me
It's OK, I've seen you before

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