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尤米澤 Ted Yu【帶你去旅行 A Trip With You】feat. 李芯芮 Cheryl
尤米澤 Ted Yu【帶你去旅行 A Trip With You】feat. 李芯芮 Cheryl

尤米澤 Ted Yu【帶你去旅行 A Trip With You】feat. 李芯芮 Cheryl


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尤米澤 Ted Yu【帶你去旅行 A Trip With You】feat. 李芯芮 Cheryl

尤米澤 Ted Yu【帶你去旅行 A Trip With You】feat. 李芯芮 Cheryl


  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2021-10-09


  • 李芯芮




Ted Yu 2021 Single release - A Trip With You

Song craftsman Ted Yu has accumulated his life’s experiences, turning them into his biggest inspirations for his songs. Weaving together the stories of love, family bonds and friendship into his tunes, the raw emotions in his unique raspy voice always enthrall the hearts of his audiences.

The inspiration behind the song came before COVID-19 when Ted took his mother on a trip to Okinawa, Japan. He invited Singaporean singer-songwriter Cheryl Lee to collaborate and complete the song together.
With the continued COVID situation this year, Ted hopes this song will bring back the happy memories that traveling bring and give hope for our future travels. Who would you go on your next trip with? Friends, family, partners?

This music video brings us on a journey with Ted and his friends as they set out from Taipei through Hualien before reaching the North peak on Mount Hehuan. Singing atop the mountain at an elevation of 3,422 meters, Ted hope this song can showcase Taiwan’s beautiful mountains and remind us of the happy memories made during our travels.
/ 音樂製作 /

發行製作 Published & Produced by | 西米音樂 Seeme Music
SP:相信音樂國際股份有限公司 B'in Music
OP:相信音樂國際股份有限公司 B'in Music

演唱| 尤米澤 Ted Yu ft. 李芯芮Cheryl
詞曲 |尤米澤 Ted Yu
製作人 Producer| 尤米澤 Ted Yu, 李芯芮 Cheryl
編曲 Music Arrangement|尤米澤 Ted Yu,李芯芮 Cheryl
吉他 Guitars |Stephen Ting 烏鴉
鋼琴 Piano | 李芯芮 Cheryl
Drums Editing |陳震豪
合聲編寫 Backing Vocals | 李芯芮Cheryl
錄音室 | 西米音樂工作室 Seeme Music Studio
混音師|Stephen Ting 烏鴉
混音錄音室|Mixing Studio|N9 Music Studio
母帶後期錄音室|Mastring studio|N9 Music Studio

/ 影像製作 /
導演 |1095
妝髮造型師 |Anna Tian
剪接師 | Daniel Park

/ 特別感謝 /
吉他|Lava Music

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我願意 失去自己
就要給你 最美最好的回憶
我願意 我願意

是你的陪伴 讓我明白愛
望著橙色的天空 反射出你的臉孔

是你的笑容 讓我明白愛
前方的路不再惶恐 陽光閃爍

我願意 失去自己
就要給你 最美最好的回憶
我願意 時間暫停 也要帶你去旅行
我願意 用盡全力  守護我們的約定

是你的笑容 讓我明白愛
前方的路不再惶恐 陽光閃爍

我願意 失去自己
用盡全力  守護我們的約定
我願意 OH~~

我願意 失去自己
就要給你 最美最好的回憶
我願意 時間暫停 也要帶你去旅行
我願意 用盡全力
OH wow~~

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