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Build the mind (R.DEMO)
Build the mind (R.DEMO)

Build the mind (R.DEMO)

AlternativeTraveling through wormholes 穿越蟲洞之旅

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Build the mind (R.DEMO)

Build the mind (R.DEMO)

Sour Gummy Yummy
Sour Gummy Yummy

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發布時間 2019-05-28



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Those greedy eyes,
Never satisfied,

They are here looking for cure
I'm an artisan and a sculptor

But I won’t set them free

Their loneliness
Burns out my creations
And keep stabbing my heart
But I won't escape

I have scars, it is kind of art
collect pieces of memories
Build the mind
Make it strong and sturdy

Like an asteroid
Revolve around the Sun
Like an asteroid
Revolve around the Sun

Don’t be a slave and live in fear
Don’t be a slave of reality

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