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Alienation (rough demo)
Alienation (rough demo)

Alienation (rough demo)

AlternativeTraveling through wormholes 穿越蟲洞之旅

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Alienation (rough demo)

Alienation (rough demo)

Sour Gummy Yummy
Sour Gummy Yummy

發布時間 2019-04-10


Alienation( 疏離/異化)

以宇宙太空的Sci-fi 音樂風格,詮釋現今社會存在的隔閡,無論是人與人之間,可牽涉到家庭、朋友、不同理念的爭議等。用音樂打造這種飄渺被環繞的場景,讓聽眾感受到與世界抽離開來而以第三方的角度看著目前的世代。

『緣由是關於MJ新紀錄片Leaving Neverland,但又被媒體操控,再消費死者及戳進他最珍惜的和心中的黑洞。
比照一直從許多為了錢的偽控但從來沒有被定罪,人性可怕的地方是他幫助許多小孩,但以這個他最守護最珍貴的事情冠上戀童癖。 從五歲開始就不斷的在演出,還給他一個童年以及真正的安寧。』

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you have ur own right
to say any opinion
but if you hate me
just say it to me and i don’t care, i don’t really care

before you judging me
please take a good look of yourself
call me a bitch and i won’t stop bitching u

(but) people are MEAN
don’t u think ur behavior is very pathetic?

I really just try to help
but ppl always think about themselves
cuz u would only be a copycat
but I’m a creator
that is the difference between u and me

l’m just a normal girl
maybe u think that i’m crazy
and call me a monster or a weirdo whatever

maybe i’ll get to send to jail
bc i think they r spying on me
i get so paranoid

I deeply feel so so so sorry for u
I don’t have any money, even not a celebrity

who the hell do you think u r
is there any reason why they do the way they do?
they just wanted to break u down
and destroyed a dead person after over 10 years

i miss u mama
why u left me alone

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