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緊急巴士 GG BUS

發布時間 2013-11-07


All at once I fell into a trance 突然間的恍惚出神
Just like the home I used to stay. 就像是回到那熟悉的家
it's the sound. 是那聲音
it's the hue. 是那畫面
he's pulling me up again. 是祂再次將我拉起

Everytime I close my eyes for you, 每次為祢閉上眼睛
in the defending of your hands. 在祢手中被保護
no more war 再也沒有爭戰
no more tear 也沒有眼淚
a wide glitter you gave. 這是祢給的 寬大的光采

I just made a firm resolve 我終於下定決心
to give up searching for the reason. 放棄尋找那些原因
That's the shit what I bleed for. 那些讓我留著血的垃圾
Now I've got release. 現在我已經被釋放

I just made a firm resolve 我終於下定決心
to give up pondering over those speeches. 放棄鑽營那些言論
That's the shit what I cry for. 那些讓我痛哭的垃圾
Now I've got release. 現在我已經被釋放

so many things to be remained. 有許多東西被遺下
so much for you never regret. 為祢奉獻的卻從不後悔
so many times you praise me on. 好幾次被祢高舉上來
so much for you glitter with love. 為祢奉獻 閃耀著愛

don't try to seduce me. 別試圖誘惑我
you'll never win. 你們不會贏
you'll see how great is our kingdom. 你們將看到我們的國度何等偉大
now I dismiss you in the name of the Lord. 奉我主的名宣告你即刻退散
our way is glitter! 我們的道路是光采的

we are the summoned warriors 我們是被乎召的戰士
our heart are staunch. 我們的心剛強
they may storm it but no one can capture. 他們猛烈攻擊 卻無法攻陷
the glitter flame the opposite way. 這光延燒在相反的方向
the glitter cured us of the truth. 這光用真理治癒我們
sparking all the life! 一生閃耀著
In the eternal motion of our god! 在神的裡面永恆地運轉

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