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Illegal Dreamer
Illegal Dreamer

Illegal Dreamer

Singer / Songwriter

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Illegal Dreamer

Illegal Dreamer


發布時間 2021-01-02


- An original song dedicated to the buried dreamers
- Inspired by Imagine, John Lennon
- Composed and sung by SnowBlue
- Written by Gordon Tseng

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In the dark of some night

Somewhere unknown on the sea
You hide in a helplessly hopeful corner

Behind the rusty gap of iron doors
You smile and peep
Imagine the torch of the statue of liberty
Is warming up your sleep

You believe what it’s said
As you sow so you reap
You will get a job, a family
And buy a fancy Jeep

In the afternoon of summer
You’ll have beer under a tree
Your lovely kids playing around you
Just like the dolphins leap

Some night, somewhere
Unknown on the sea

Dreams are sailing
To the land they long to see

Some night, somewhere
Unknown on the sea

They are boats of dreamers
Just like you and me

Though you know, that the journey of life
Is never easy and free
Haven’t realized that the land is that far
And the ocean is that deep

Little by little
You’re aware that the air becomes
Too thin to breathe

And you panic, and you search for the lord’s mercy
But feel like a lost sheep

Imagine, John lennon
Sinking in you and me

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