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XiaoLi Helicopter
XiaoLi Helicopter

XiaoLi Helicopter

RockLoser's Glory Time

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XiaoLi Helicopter

XiaoLi Helicopter

which park
which park

發布時間 2009-08-25


stand in the park we fall in love with our sweet heart, our pets.
but like my cat always sleep i make her angry she bite me.

she is not one/baby i'm the rocket
she is not one/and you're the fire
she is not one/i wanna touch the sky
she is not one/just before i die

Xiao Li wants to fly
Xiao Li wants to fly

but like my cat/baby i'm the rocket
but like my mind/and you're the fire
but like my eyes/i wanna touch the sky
but like my sight/just before i die

Xiao Li wants to fly*10

she she is not one, i bet you looking for she, she never hide.

Xiao Li wants to fly*15

Xiao Li wants to fly
Xiao Ning wants to fly
Lao Wang wants to fly
and i wants to fly

do you wants to fly?

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恭喜您,万中选一!您被StreetVoice.com推荐了!<BR><BR>这不是诈骗集团的新把戏,我们也没有贪图您的钱财或美色。<BR>真的噢!!!!您的优秀作品被StreetVoice.com推荐了!!<BR>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>被推荐期间,您的音乐作品“XiaoLi Helicopter”将会出现在以下位置:<BR>★StreetVoice.com首页“最新推荐音乐作品”<BR>★StreetVoice.com音乐频道“编辑推荐音乐作品”<BR><BR>