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Silent Oracle 沈默先知

音樂人 臺南市

Silent Oracle(沉默先知)成立於2018年,曲風由黑金屬做為基底,參雜死亡金屬元素。每首詞均採英詩標準的Iambic Tetrameter(抑揚四步格),以似古典舞台劇獨白的方式描寫從古至今各樣的悲劇角色。主唱令人戰慄的低沈咆哮與邪惡的高頻聲線,加上殘破暴力中充滿情感的吉他旋律和變化豐富的急促鼓點,結合黑暗、絕望、極端三種元素,獻上一本由通古今之變、已看破人間無常的先知才能完美呈現的故事集。

Founded in 2018, Silent Oracle features black metal with slight death metal influence. All lyrics written in iambic tetrameter, describing tragic characters or darkened souls in a form similar to soliloquy. A collection of legends and myths to reflect the impermanence of life.

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Silent Oracle 沈默先知的歌曲

發布歌曲・4 年前


青木ヶ原 Aokigahara (DEMO)

青木ヶ原 Aokigahara (DEMO)

Silent Oracle 沈默先知

Demo of our second released single - Aokigahara 作曲Composer: 蟒斯特 作詞Lyricist: D2 編曲Arranger: 沉默先知 Silent Oracle Recording: 小夜 Mixing/Mastering: 小夜 青木ヶ原: 位於日本山梨縣富士山西北側 約三千公頃的原生森林 另稱青木原樹海 因多年來為許多日本人尋短的地點 平均每年約有一百起案件 故又稱 自殺森林 Aokigahara: Located on the northwestern flank of Mt. Fuji, the forest is also called The Sea of Trees for its vast area. Due to its eerie atmosphere and cultural influence, averagely, every year around 100 people are attracted to the place and …