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I Think You're Leaving
I Think You're Leaving

I Think You're Leaving


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I Think You're Leaving

I Think You're Leaving

羊與馬群 Sheep & Horses
羊與馬群 Sheep & Horses

發布時間 2021-07-01


I could see it through your eyes
You don’t even want to lie
Without meaning
just give it a try
It’s no more than what’s left behind

There’s a lot I don’t want to remember
They keep come to me every night
They will need you
Just in your mind
Make sure you don’t fall behind

They are all going somewhere
What's it feel like to be inside
I think you’re leaving
and that’s no surprise
In some way i’ve been there twice

I think it’s today
There’s no other way
You’re drifting away
You’re drifting away

I think that’s how we all will end
Cos that is how this world operates
I don’t know where it would be
You’ll find out today

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