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2-8 祢的恩典 Your Throne
2-8 祢的恩典 Your Throne

2-8 祢的恩典 Your Throne


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2-8 祢的恩典 Your Throne

2-8 祢的恩典 Your Throne


發布時間 2007-04-20


祢的話安定在天 祢有榮耀和能力 祢的寶座必建立 諸天傳揚祢作為
祢的光在全地上 照亮世上每一個人 祢的信實必堅定 全地充滿祢慈愛
我心渴慕祢救恩 我要仰望祢應許 祢的恩惠和憐憫存到萬代 祢的恩典存到世世代代
You grace is set in the heavens; you possess glory and power; your throne is established, all
heavens declare your works; your light is on the whole earth; it shines on every man; your
faithfulness is steadfast.
The whole earth is full of your loving-kindness, my heart thirsts for your salvation; I will hope in
your promises; your kindness and mercy last for ten thousand generations; your grace lasts from
centuries to centuries.

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