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RockPetals of Tomorrow

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Seasons for Change

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發布時間 2019-11-12


When time runs out,
And your heart needs to say more.
The heart that should be listening
Is stranded out the shores.

I reach for the pen,
Write down what I should’ve said
Remind myself to never make these mistakes.

I count the sheeps,
But a flashback makes me lose control.
I slowly feel, the memories
Tearing a hole.

The moon comes down
Through my mind's open window
Releasing birds with velvet eyes
They sing with broken wings.

I reach for the end,
Count the words that I could've said,
And sew them all together into blankets

I try so hard to fall asleep
I lay and watch the sun rising
I still feel you in my dreams
I'll never reach tomorrow...

Fade away
As you move into the shadows
I will make
This suffering lead my soul

And build the future
With our dreams
And lay the past in melody
I feel you in the songs I sing
I’ll always reach tomorrow

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