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Singer / SongwritersOTG x Tokyo

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發布時間 2024-07-25


作詞/作曲/編曲/演唱: sOTG (東亞獵豹)


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名古屋的海最美 海風 夕陽 地平線
(The sea in Nagoya is the most beautiful, with sea breeze, sunset, and horizon.)

而妳璀璨笑靨 像初戀的草莓一樣甜
(And your bright smile is as sweet as the strawberry of first love.)

哪怕妳又像在追求 天地合一兩心同
(You seem to be pursuing the unity of sky, land, and the two hearts.)

海波白沙瞥驚鴻 振翅夏夜的灑脫
(Glimpse at the sea waves, white sand, and the fluttering wings of seagulls at this free and easy summer night.)

餘暉由金轉橙 黯淡於盡頭
(The afterglow turns from gold to orange and dims at the horizon.)

我心繾綣暗戀 按耐在心頭
(I admire you, but I hold it in my heart.)

這片海 回憶交融 恬淡 晚夕漸漸濃
(This sea is a blend of memories and tranquility, and the evening is gradually getting darker.)

(Or, shall we wander along the coastal alley?)

夜深人靜心底卻泉湧 陪伴江白鷺沙鷗
(In the dead of night, people are quiet, but emotion wells up in my heart, accompanying the egrets and sand gulls.)

暗自決定明天坦承 隨妳一起走
(I decided to confess to you tomorrow and go with you.)

凌晨三點星垂平野闊 淺嘗塵世醉海風
(At three o'clock in the morning, the stars hang over the plains and vast fields, and I taste the intoxicating sea breeze of this mortal land.)

妳在星際另一頭 放逐我
(You are on the other side of the Milky Way, banishing me.)

(I enjoyed the sea breeze in Shin Urayasu this afternoon.)

感情不用太濃 不用再忖度
(No need to be too emotional, no need to think about it anymore)

愛著妳 誤闖迷宮 謎底 在十字路口
(Loving you, I entered the maze by mistake. The answer is hidden at the crossroads.)

(The feeling of first love is still there.)

想再和妳無所謂牽手 若無其事的自由
(I want to hold hands with you again and be free as if nothing happened.)

當時我心還不懂得 錯過不再有
(At that time, I didn’t realize that there wouldn't be a second chance once I missed it.)

結伴出遊 變熟是午後 卻也離道別不久
(Traveling together, it’s the afternoon when we become acquainted, but it’s not long before we say goodbye.)

幾經思量 我決定 不開口
(After much thought, I decided not to confess.)

將來妳幸福溫飽 倘若我潦倒蹉跎
(In the future you will be happy and blissful, but if I am down and out,)

能否敞開妳的心 再陪我追海風
(Can you open your heart and chase the sea breeze with me?)

還有好多話想對妳說 但絕非耽誤眷留
(There are still many things I want to say to you, but I certainly don't want to bother you.)

此後再不打擾妳 多保重~
(I won’t bother you again. Please take good care and be safe.)

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