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發布時間 2015-09-21



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凝固麻醉的腦袋 已經無法想像藍色的天空
My head is numb and clotted, unable to imagine the blue sky in my mind.

幽閉恐懼的靈魂 迷失在灰色單調的房間
The terrorized and imprisoned soul is lost in the room that’s grey and dark.

我已厭倦這喧囂繁華 我要逃離這片擁擠
I am tired of the vain and noisy city. I will run away from this crowded world.

我想放開美麗夢想 我要尋找一片新土地
I want to release the beautiful dreams hidden inside me. I will look for a new land that belongs to me.

喔~嘿~ 我的天空那麼黑
Oh. Hey. The sky above me is so dark.

喔~嘿~ 讓我放棄一切去瘋
Oh. Hey. Let me be crazy without any worry.

我心煩憂 庸碌人間太茫然
I am confused and upset in this world where everyone is rushed and hurried for nothing.

褪不盡陰溼的迷霧 我迷失 我迷失
I can’t break through the humid and dark fog. I am lost, I am lost.

我心憤怒 人海茫茫我是誰
I am full of rage. I don’t know who I am in this huge crowd since everyone looks the same.

封印甕中的靈魂 難呼吸 難呼吸
With my soul sealed in a bottle, I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.

I wish God makes me disappear.

遠離世間冷暖 沒有過去 沒有未來 像風~
I’d love to run away from the cold of this strange world, without past, without future, like a wind passing by.

喔~嘿~ 我的天空那麼黑耶
Oh. Hey. The sky above me is so dark.

喔~嘿~ 讓我放棄一切去瘋
Oh. Hey. Let me be crazy without any worry.

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