《Prod.Rolvnd 》
If humans disappear in the world (如果人類消失在這世上)
It will be wonderful? (是不是會更美好呢?)
Kill the plants,eat animals,every where plunder,make the trash (殺光植物、啃食動物,為求身體運作到處掠奪、並拉出廢物)
If no faith.repay the world.effort after meaning,Fuck human (要是活著沒有信念、回饋貢獻世界、追求自己的意義,那真的該死)
Everytime we’re pulled into excess desire (我們總是被拉進了過多的慾望裡頭)
Forget how many creatures feels heartache (也忘記了有多少生命們正感到心痛)
Looking up to fame and title is not my pursuit (仰望頭銜與名氣不是我的追求因爲時間久了依舊會被遺忘)
Be kind and compassionate is my value (保持善良與富有同情心才是我的價值)
We are not born to decide how we look (我們生來都無法決定自己的長相)
So how can u attack others appearance (那又怎麼能因爲外表攻擊他人呢)
Tired of hypocrisy and discrimination all the time (早已對虛偽與歧視感到厭惡)
Because I have hurt others and hope to protect others more and more (自己也曾傷害過他人 才希望能保護更多人)
And just believe in who u are more important than who u are (相信自己是什麼樣的人 遠比你自己真正的樣子來的重要)
If u don’t believe that u have . U can’t realize. (如果有潛能的你 不相信自己的潛能 也始終無法發揮)
More love •More hope (彼此給予更多愛更多希望) 巡迴verse 1
錄音:BandLab app earpods
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